Friday, December 23, 2011

ANAK ANAK KAUM ORANG ASLI tetamu Great Eastern

Minggu lepas saya berpeluang terlibat menganjurkan satu program yang sunnguh istimewa bersama anak2 orang asli dari kawasan pendalaman Kuala Langat dan Ulu Langat seramai 40 orang . Turut serta hampir 20 orang sukarelawan dari Syarikat Great Eastern Berhad yang menjadi sponsor program ini.
Kami semua tinggal bersama2 di Hotel Maluri yang comel dan indah di pinggir kota KL ini.Kanak2 ini dalam linkungan umor 12 dan 17 tahun lelaki dan perempuan. Program yang padat itu meliputi segment membina semangat patriotik dan quiz lawatan ke tempat2 yang penting di ibu kota dan program membina keypayaan berkomunikasi.
Apa yang menariknya tentang program ini ialah bagaimana anak2 ini dapat merasa sentuhan kasih sayang dari abang2 dan kakak2 dari GEL disamping kegembiraan melihat dan merasa menaoki KL tower Putrajaya criise dan menaili monorail juga menonton filem berbahasa inggeris. Anak2 ini didapati sangat responsif dan gembira dan peka terhadap arahan2 yang diberi.
Dikalangan sukarelawan pula saya dapati mereka sangat bersemangat melayan adik2 ini dan sentiasa cuba menghiburkan mereka. Kesimpulan saya ucapkan tahniah kepada peneraju program ini saorang pegawai muda dan sungguh comel bernama ATIKAH yang sangat cekap bersemangat dan ramah mesra. Beliau baru saja bertugas di GEL tetapi telah berjaya melaksanakan tugasnya dengan cemerlang dan berjaya mengujudkan satu pasukan sukaralawan yang bersatu dan saling bantu membantu. Kita mestilah dapat melahirkan lebih ramai lagi pegawai2 muda sapertinya. Di harap beliau akan terus berkhidmat dengan semangat yang kental walau dalam apa situasi sekali pun............

Saturday, December 3, 2011

How much can you help

I have been involved in helping juveniles come back on track for the last ten years and more.It has been a very heartbreaking ten years. At times i do feel good for giving them something to look forward to in life but at times and often i feel so frustrated and lonely in this endeavour. I also feel tired  sad and angry because no body understand these children and very few people have the patience to be with them and guide them to the right path.

There are of course many NGOs doing a lot of good things for these children but i am focusing on the Muslim boys in particular.I have been searching for groups that are involved in helping juveniles and follow through their rehab process until they are spiritually strong to face the challenging world of reality.I will give an example in this case.In the rehab institutions  set up by the government they are fed clothed and spoon fed for a certain period so much so they tend to be so dependent on their wardens and teachers.The teaching of religion too follow the stereotyped method and often does not allow much participation and provide avenues for them to think critically. Hence at the end of their sentence they are much the same as when they first came in.If at all the are given some kind of skill training they find it difficult to apply it when they are out of the institution.

I have a boy who called me often just to tell me he prefers to be in prison then out in the free world because he just cannot cope with the daily stress of finding money to eat and even a place to stay. So he said he has no choice but to join back his friends who in the first place were involved in crime with him but was lucky enough to escape the law.

 Now i ask you how can we help. I have been thinking seriously about a program that can be put in place.It goes like this. I am going to continue to do my motivational program in Penjara Kajang in particular and my program will focus on strengthening AQIDAH and for that i will try my level best to rope in as many young ustaz as i can which actually is a tall order since most of them prefer to be known on air tv radio and such high profile avenues.Then i will try to have a discussion with some religious body and an NGO that has a strong network in the business sector and of course i will hunt hard for a counselling body that is involved in giving counselling for free. We can put up a network with strong religious connections to map out a multidisciplinary road map to make this endeavour to help the juvenile to go back on track DUNIA and AKHIRAT. We should start small and without any fanfare and all our actions are for ALLAH. This is my HIJRAH resolution and InsyaALLAH it will be a reality by the end of this year. InsyaALLAH i intend to go for umrah in February 2012 and i shall be praying hard in front of the Kaabah and also insyaALLAH Raudah AMIN AMIN AMIN.